Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Zorlu Holding And Vestel Electronics :: essays research papers
Zorlu Holding and The Vision Of The Company Mehmet Zorlu, set up their Group's first organization in the mid 1950s, he laid the standard procedures for the Zorlu Group's ensuing development: trustworthiness, perseverance’ and genuine pledge to quality. Trustworthiness is the Group's foundation worth and they anticipate that it should administer each part of their business. Difficult work and determination are basic for the everyday accomplishment of their endeavors as they are for the endeavor) of another endeavor. Quality is the way to client steadfastness, on which the drawn out thriving a f all endeavors depends. With these guidelines, the Zorlu Group has tried to create strong and productive organizations that add to the government assistance of the Group; its clients, colleagues and representatives; just as the bigger network. Until the mid 1990s, they centered their interests in home materials, a movement the Zorlu family has been engaged with for a few ages and in which they have a specific mastery. In 1994, they saw the chance to utilize their solid capital and HR in the purchaser gadgets segment, through the obtaining of the Vestel hardware Group. This was followed, in 1996 and 1997, by interests in the quickly developing vitality and monetary administrations divisions. Somewhere in the range of 1990 and 1997, they significantly increased the quantity of their activities, expanding their absolute resources for simply under US$ 1 billion, barring the advantages of five of their six auxiliaries joined abroad. They put resources into cutting edge turning, weaving and material innovation that has made them the world’s biggest; vertically-coordinated polyester window ornament maker and will push them to the bleeding edge of the universal home material industry in the years to come. They obtained the Vestel Group of buyer hardware organizations, pushed its asset report from an undeserved red into the dark, and set it on course to turn into a main contender in the worldwide shopper gadgets markets. They built up a bank, a renting organization and o calculating firm and they entered the force age and power conveyance segments with the development of two plants and a; serious offer for o state-claimed, plant scheduled for privatization. The Zorlu Group's fast development since 1990 mirrors the huge scope of chances that have risen up out of the remarkable crossroads of Turkey's Customs Union with the European Today, their tasks remember 32 organizations for Turkey, France, Germany, Holland and South Africa in the material, purchaser gadgets, account, vitality and the travel industry segments. In 1997, their key tasks accomplished net deals of nearly US$ 750 million and after expense benefits of simply under US$ 80 million.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Performance Evaluation free essay sample
In the given model, the company’s current assessment structure is insufficient and doesn't give a total picture of employee’s execution. The present assessment strategy just spotlights on close to home qualities of the worker being assessed. Another issue with the present strategy is that lone the plant supervisor assesses the worker, without getting contribution from the individual being assessed or any other person. Besides the assessment technique as of now being utilized spotlights on discernments and doesn't assess execution materials that can be effortlessly estimated, accordingly making an emotional assessment. A presentation assessment should concentrate on three by and large acknowledged arrangements of rules. Singular Tasks Outcomes, which measure the amount and nature of the representatives work. For this measure, in the given model, the designer would be appraised on how fruitful the progressions he executed were, and how well his real ventures wrapped up. Notwithstanding task results, worker conduct ought to be a different class that a representative is assessed in. We will compose a custom exposition test on Execution Evaluation or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In the model, the architect would be evaluated on his scrupulousness, accommodation of administrative work, proposals for development, and the amount of a cooperative person he is. In conclusion a worker ought to be appraised on his qualities, which incorporates his own disposition, show of certainty, steadfastness and information. By assessing the specialist on things, for example, kind disposition, tidiness of workspace and demeanor the organization is concentrating a lot on the employees’ qualities which ought to be the least significant of the three models a representative is assessed on. Rather the organization ought to principally concentrate on the individual undertaking results as this influences the efficiency and net benefits of the organization. Representative conduct is likewise a significant territory to assess since practices can either empower or upset different representatives work execution. In spite of the fact that it is critical to perceive and assess individual characteristics, this ought to be the least weighted class as individual qualities are the most drastically averse to influence real work execution. A 360 degree way to deal with execution assessments includes administrators, friends, subordinates and at some point customers in the assessment procedure. By including these various people a business can get a total image of a representatives work execution. A director regularly knows and comprehends the activity obligations and desires for the worker and can rate him dependent on the real execution. Friends work straightforwardly with each other and may share a portion of similar obligations and assignments. A companion can assess a representative on everyday obligations, how well one works with others, and general execution. Subordinates can give criticism on an assortment of subjects, for example, relational abilities, support, information on obligations, and different practices and qualities. A few disservices do happen while including directors, companions and subordinates. With such huge numbers of individuals included it might be hard to locate the right people to perform dependable assessments, which makes additional time be spent in the choice and preparing process. Another destruction is that every individual has an alternate relationship with the individual being assessed; in this way prompting contrasts in suppositions that must be sifted through before a last appraising is accomplished. There are a wide range of strategies to dissect execution information once it has been gathered. The most widely recognized techniques incorporate composed articles, basic occurrences and realistic rating scales. A composed exposition is the most fundamental type of breaking down information, when the information is accumulated from all sources the evaluator features the most significant subtleties of the information including positive and negative parts of the employee’s execution just as proposals for upgrades. This achievement of this technique is profoundly reliant on the evaluators composing aptitudes. It provides for a less formal and conceivably less threating approach to give input to a worker than the basic episode strategy, in which the evaluator centers around practices that recognize powerful and insufficient work execution. By utilizing basic episodes evaluators center around explicit activities and practices that impact work duties and execution. The basic occurrence strategy gives more explicit occupation related execution assessment than a composed paper yet at the same time doesn't give a total picture of the employee’ execution. A realistic rating scale is one of the more mainstream techniques for assessment on the grounds that is rates workers in different parts of occupation execution. A scale can be created to rate various models, for example, singular undertaking results, worker practices and characteristics. This strategy takes into account managers to measure an employees’ execution and base outcomes on target subtleties. In spite of the fact that the realistic rating scale provides a total image of an employees’ execution it provides for as much nitty gritty input as a composed article or even basic episodes. A few managers are moving to another technique for giving input called typically tied down rating scales, which joins the general rating scale and basic episode strategies, consequently permitting businesses to concentrate on explicit practices and give criticism on work related execution. There are a wide range of reasons that real assessments are hard to acquire. Evaluators may misrepresent a representative trying to satisfy the worker, out of dread of reprisal or in light of the fact that they like the individual, such expansion is viewed as positive tolerance. The inverse, contrary mercy, happens when evaluators underestimate a representative to rebuff the worker for an individual contrast, to make the worker look terrible so as to cause themselves to show up better, or in light of the fact that they just don’t like the individual. The Halo blunder happens when an evaluator premise their appraisal on one explicit activity or trademark. To help acquire increasingly exact assessments, an organization can utilize the accompanying insurances against these inclinations and blunders. To start with, utilize various evaluators so progressively precise data can be acquired. Be specific in the evaluators picked, guarantee they know about the employees’ execution and work duties. At last, train the evaluators, with the goal that they comprehend what is relied upon and how to abstain from utilizing individual decisions in their appraisals. All together for the offered organization to improve their exhibition assessments, the organization ought to consider utilizing a 360 degree execution survey. In doing so directors, friends, and subordinates should all be picked to take an interest in the audit of a given worker. All evaluators ought to be prepared on the best way to appropriately assess a representative, and be made mindful of any inclinations that may impact their assessments. Severe standards ought to be utilized in the determination procedure of evaluators to guarantee that evaluators have appropriate information on the representative and his obligations, just as to guarantee that all assessment models are watched. By utilizing this methodology the organization can unbiasedly assess representatives and improve worker spirit, efficiency and execution.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay --
Rules You are required to complete an exploration venture utilizing the Internet. The title of your venture is Security and Confidentiality on the Internet. Produce a 1500 word report looking at the accompanying zones with respect to the Internet. †¢ Identify three diverse Internet Service Providers and look into †Connection strategies †cost correlation. †¢ Discuss the base equipment and programming necessities for interfacing with the web. †¢ Discuss the capacity of IP locations and how they apply to conveying on the web. †¢ Show the means in enrolling area name for client, showing the various alternatives that must be thought of. †¢ Explain how a PC framework can be shielded from infections transmitted by means of the net †¢ Outline teh utilization of firewalls to ensure against unapproved get to. †¢ Describe the utilization of computerized marks to check character on the web. †¢ Explain the reason and potential hazard related with treats. â€Æ' Web Web is PCs organize associated far and wide by means of committed servers. At the point when your PC is associated with the web you can send, got a wide range of data, for example, content, designs, voice, projects and video. The Internet history started with improvement of the PCs. First message was sent over the ARPaNet (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) from software engineering Professor Leonard Kleinrock's lab. The ARPaNet specifically prompted the improvement of conventions for internetworking, in which various separate systems could be combined into a system of systems. Web access Providers In the Ireland are a ton of Internet Service Provider (or ISP), yet how to know which one is the best and accessible in your area. I will look ... ...nformation, for example, past activitie, shoping diagram, login data. Potantial hazard utilizing treats is 2 sorts. First is sites can assemble and sell your own data. Second hazard is sites can follow clients exercises over numerous sites. These are dangers of protection more than dangers of harm to equipment or programming. â€Æ' Utilized Material: - for think about ISP (web access Provider) - Wiki page about History about the Internet - Wiki page about IP address - Wiki page about IP address types †Web page to make sub Domain http://against infection programming - hostile to infection programming audits - wiki page about Cookies
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Writing Classic and Contemporary Contrast and Caparative Essay Topics
Writing Classic and Contemporary Contrast and Caparative Essay TopicsToday, there are lots of different contrast and comparative essay topics. Some of them are contemporary; some of them are classical. However, in fact, these essays are alike in that they deal with certain types of subjects. In this article, I'll give you some guidelines that you need to keep in mind when you're writing a classic or contemporary contrast and comparative essay topic.For example, if you're writing a classical essay topic, you will have to take into account the Greek alphabet. You won't want to be too sloppy with your wording because this could create more problems than it solves. You need to look for all the similarities and differences between the Greek and English alphabets and make sure that you make them the main theme of your paper. This is the same thing that you do with any kind of topic. You need to do this even if it's not the topic that you would normally choose to write an essay on.However, it's also important to keep in mind that the theme that you write in all your topics is going to be different. You have to consider whether the theme that you choose will fit the other subjects that you write on. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid writing a theme that does not have any similarities to the topic that you're writing on.A contemporary contrast and comparative essay topic can be written on anything. You can use this topic for any type of topic including philosophy, fashion, the arts, cooking, etc. These are the topics that you will encounter most often because of their popularity.The same applies for the modern type of contrast and comparative essay topics. Whether you're writing a contemporary or a classical topic, you can choose the type of topic that you prefer from the list of themes.Writing a classical contrast and comparative essay topic requires a lot of time. It also requires a lot of practice as well. But as long as you take the proper care to put together a good thesis and you put the topic in the right perspective, you should be able to get by with it.To sum up, contrast and comparative essay topics are both very similar. You just need to learn the differences that you need to work with.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Dinner for One Movie New Years Eve Tradition
Its a bit bizarre when you think about it. A short British cabaret sketch from the 1920s has become a German New Years tradition. Yet, although The 90th Birthday or Dinner for One is a famous cult classic in Germany and several other European countries, it is virtually unknown in the English-speaking world, including Britain, its birthplace. Although newer versions have been produced, every year around Silvester (New Years Eve), German television broadcasts the classic, black-and-white English-language version filmed back in 1963 in Hamburg. All across Germany, from the 31st of December to January 1st, Germans know its the beginning of a new year when they watch this annual event. The Same Procedure as Every Year The British actor Freddie Frinton played the tipsy butler James in the 1963 German TV production. (Frinton died only five years after the Hamburg filming.) May Warden played the role of Miss Sophie, who is celebrating her 90th birthday. The only problem is... all of her party guests are imaginary friends who have died off. A German New Years Eve just doesnt seem right without hearing the lines known to just about any living German: The same procedure as last year, Madam? - The same procedure as every year, James. In these politically-correct times, the sketch-in which Miss Sophie and her butler proceed to get thoroughly sloshed-has come under some criticism. But so popular is the perennial Dinner for One that the German airline LTU in former years showed the 15-minute sketch on all its flights between Dec. 28 and Jan. 2, just so passengers wouldnt miss out on the annual tradition. Before its demise at the end of 2005, the GERMAN TV satellite service also broadcast Dinner for One in North America. One commenter also came to the conclusion that there might have been a love affair going on between the two main characters of the play, which always made the butler nervous and gave enough reason to get drunk, but of course, theres no official statement about this. Why Is This Show Cult in Germany? Its honestly difficult to understand. While the show certainly has its funny moments, its humor simply cant appeal to 18 million viewers every year. My assumption is that in many households the TV is just running and nobody really watches this anymore like it was in my youth, but I might also be completely wrong. It might also be a representation of the simple need for persistence and continuity in an ever-changing world. More About Dinner for One Watch the full video on YouTube (18mins, not available in Germany)NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) has a nice section with background info on Dinner for One Dinner for One von A-Z, everything you wanted to know about DfO. Original article by: Hyde Flippo Edited on the 28th of June 2015 by: Michael Schmitz
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Battle Of Normandy And The Liberation Of Europe
This story focuses on when Nazi Germany invaded Hungary at midnight on March 18, 1944. Few people believed they were in any danger. The night begins with a description of the character Moshe-Shames, the beadle of the town s synagogue and one of the humblest residents, who vainly warns the inhabitants to flee and escape. While the Allies were preparing for the Battle of Normandy and the liberation of Europe during May and June of that year, Wiesel and his family, together with 15,000 other Jews from Sighet and an additional 18,000 from neighboring villages, were deported by German troops to the concentration camps. Once there, his mother and younger sister were immediately sent to the gas chambers. His other sisters, Hilda and Beatriz,†¦show more content†¦I empathized a lot with those real stories. They seem really hard to believe but they are not even half of what they really went through. Through those years, approximately, 20 million Jews died because of Hitler. The Jews never tried to fight against them because they thought that God will be always with them, and if that was happening, it was because God wanted or because God was letting Hitler kill them for a good reason. An evidence of that thought is this quote at the beginning of the book: â€Å"London radio, which we listened to every evening, announced encouraging news: the daily bombings of Germany and Stalingrad, the preparation of the Second Front. And so we, the Jews of Sighet, waited for the better days that surely were soon to come.†In addition to the distance from the fight, the Jews could not imagine that anything of the scale that Hitler threatened was possible. They felt there were too many Jews for him to attempt the things he suggested. As the German Army troops moved into Sighet, the first changes seemed relatively harmless, so they were accepted without undue alarm. By the time Jews were forced into the trains and moved into ghettos by the Nazis, the Jews knew that they were going to die, and that it was too late to organize any resistance. But Elie Wiesel thought differently. He was not able to understand why God wanted all this pain, deaths, and catastrophe to the Jewish people. He thought that it does not make sense to praise God, after seeing howShow MoreRelatedD Day During World War II1319 Words  | 6 PagesD-Day During World War II (1939-1945), D-Day, or the Battle of Normandy, was the turning point in the Allied attempt to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control. The invasion involved 326,000 British, American, and Canadian troops spread among five beaches. The Allies were victorious due to Nazi mistakes. Hitler, believing the attack was simply a diversion to distract the Germans from an attack north of the Seine River, withheld reinforcements and support from armored units. This gave the AlliesRead MoreD Day During World War II Essay1299 Words  | 6 Pagesprime example of this is D-Day. D-Day, or the Normandy landings, changed the course of history and will live in infamy forever. The people taking part in it then may not have known it then, but what they were taking part in would have effects on the world for years and years to come. D-Day had a major impact on Western Civilization because it led to the eventual end of World War II, the collapse of the Nazi party in Germany, and th e liberation of Europe. Part II D-Day occurred on June 6th, 1944. ItRead MoreThe Invasion of Normandy1677 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The invasion of Normandy, also known as Operation Overlord or D-Day, was perhaps one of the most important battles in the human history. The invasion took place on June 4, 1944, at the Coast of Normandy in France. Troops from over twelve countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America participated in the fight against Germany. Although the battles were enduring and hard-fought, the Allies achieved the final victory; the Allies were finally ableRead MoreD-Day The Invasion Of Normandy Essay1550 Words  | 7 Pages The Battle of Normandy was a turning point in World War II. Canada, America, and Great Britain arrived at the beaches of Normandy and their main objective was to push the Nazi’s out of France. The Invasion at Normandy by the Allied Powers winning this battle lead to the liberation of France and Western Europe. Most importantly Hitler was being attacked from both the eastern and western front, and caused him to lose power. If the Allied Powers did not succeed On D-Day, Hitler would’ve taken overRead MoreWorld War II : The End Of The War975 Words  | 4 Pagesmorning after the Gleiwitz incident. As the Wehrmacht advanced, Polish forces withdrew from their forward bases of operation close to the Polish–German border to more established lines of defence to the east. After the mid-September Polish defeat in the Battle of the Bzura, the Germans gained an undisputed advantage. Polish forces then withdrew to the southeast where they prepared for a long defence of the Romanian Bridgehead and waited expected support and relief from France and the United Kingdom. TheseRead MoreThe Battle of Normandy671 Words  | 3 PagesThe Battle of Normandy WWII was a very brutal war, but The Battle of Normandy changed it for us. This was the turning point in the war. To prepare for this fight the Allies decided to increase the air strikes and bombings to slow down the German army, who had been trying to take over France at the time. This battle was set for June 5th, but actually took place on June 6, 1944 at exactly 6:30 a.m, when the weather was supposed to be the calmest, and ended on June 30, 1944. The Allies wanted to â€Å"endRead MoreOperation Overlord Essays1329 Words  | 6 Pagesof Normandy, beaches in the area of Cotentin, France, were bombarded with over 5,000 tons of bombs, destroying German defenses and de-mining many areas. Following the bombardment over 100,000 soldiers swam ashore, and 11,700 paratroopers were dropped to secure Normandy Beach. After two months of battle, Allied troops marched into Normandy on August 24th, 1944. The Invasion of Normandy not only was the turning point of the World War II, but also dir ectly led to the liberation of Western Europe fromRead MoreRonald Reagan on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day Pointe Du Hoc, France987 Words  | 4 Pages Before I get to the analysis portion of this assignment, the speech I have decided to go with is former President Ronald Reagan’s speech on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day that was delivered at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, on June 6, 1984. This is the speech I wanted to use for my analytical paper because I have always been extremely interested in World War II and anything affiliated with it. Also, I actually had two grandfathers that served in the Philippines fighting alongside American soldiersRead MoreThe Invasion Of France During World War II2549 Words  | 11 Pagesinvasion, which took place on the beaches of Normandy was actually a diversion, and he believed the attacks would actually occur at Pas-de-Calais. Afterwards, in June 6, 1944 the Allies started Operation Overlord with the attack against the Nazi-occupied France above the beaches of Normandy. (Unit 5) Even though casualties were inevitable in both sides, Operation Overlord was effective as the Allies were victorious in this battle. As a result, the Normandy Landings became one of the most important daysRead MoreCoverage of the Normandy Invasion847 Words  | 3 PagesBritish and American historians have covered the Normandy invasion extensively, and one therefore wonders if there is any need for another treatment of the campaign. In Normandy: The Landings to the Liberation of Paris, Olivier Wieviorka demonstrates that there is indeed room for new interpretations of this much-covered subject. Wieviorka, a professor of history at the École Normale Supà ©rieure de Cachan, covers every aspect of the Normandy invasion: politics and grand strategy, economic production
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Big Brother and The Weakest Link Essay Example For Students
Big Brother and The Weakest Link Essay Zygmunt Bauman was born in 1925, Poland. Bauman is one of the best known in the world sociologists and philosophers. His name is often mentioned as a principal creator of the concept of post-modernism. Bauman is primarily author of works on contemporary culture, its characteristics and in its place. Zygmunt Bauman is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Leeds and the University of Warsaw. His books are very popular in every country Europe an Unfinished Adventure, Liquid life, Liquid Modernity, Liquid Love: On the Frailty of Human Bonds, Liquid Fear, which I am going to summarise, to be accurate Dread of Death the first chapter in the book. Bauman, in his book, highlights the most impossible thing, to find real meaning of the elimination process in both programs Big Brother and The Weakest Link. Baumans Dread of Death focuses only on the process of eviction, which is unavoidable, every contestant faces eviction. Bauman writes that every person is an individual and the whole point is that you do not need to do something to deserve the eviction (Bauman 2006: 24). The Weakest Link is a program in which the teamwork is an illusion. There is no teamwork and only one winner who can be anyone, even if a person is very good at the beginning and people think that this person is very intelligent; at the end that person might be a loser. That is the process of elimination. People do not even know each other face-to-face. Elimination is just a process in which people are meant to eliminate person who is not good at answering questions, but they just eliminate person who they do not like or think that is dangerous opponent. I agree with Bauman who says that both programs Big Brother and The Weakest Link are made only to show the big spectacle of human humiliation, followed by eviction, followed by self-immolation. There is no way that anyone will get out of it without any abasement even they have not done anything wrong. It is not about showing yourself in the reality TV because audience has the last word. It is audience and people who watch it, they make decisions who should be evicted next form Big Brother house. The Weakest Link in turn, people eliminate within themselves. Bauman says in one of the interviews: That is the fear that I will be thrown away from the party and that is in popular ideology if you watch Big Brother and Lady Robinson. Lady Robinson? The Weakest Link lady. The Weakest Link is all about exclusion. In Big Brother the element of exclusion comes once a week, in The Weakest Link it is all the time. For Bauman, reality TV and programs like Big Brother or The Weakest Link prepare us for a life without justice, and death is a banal and without meaning. Moral tale is mainly a tale in which the rewards awaiting the virtuous and the punishment prepared for the sinners. In those reality TV programs the reward is an exception and the punishment is the norm. Bauman says: The links between virtue and sin on the one hand and rewards and punishment on the other are tenuous and haphazard (Bauman 2006:28). ; References:
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Good Versus Evil in Billy Budd free essay sample
This paper touches on the theme of good versus evil in Billy Budd by Herman Melville. It explains how Billy is the symbol of ultimate good and Claggart is the symbol of ultimate evil. This paper discusses the age-old concept of good versus evil in the book, Billy Budd, by Herman Melville. The author provides an overview of the characters of the protagonist and antagonist, who respectively personify good and evil. Biblical parallels as drawn as well. Good versus evil is a very common theme in many different types of literature. One literary work which portrays the battle between good and evil very affectively is Billy Budd by Herman Melville. In this novel, good is portrayed through the character of Billy, while the character of Claggart portrays evil. The battle between good and evil is personified through the characters of Claggart and Billy.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Parliamentary Group On Domestic Violence Essay The WritePass Journal
Parliamentary Group On Domestic Violence Essay Abstract Parliamentary Group On Domestic Violence Essay ]. Ferguson, R. and Miller, L. â€Å"Parliament for the Future: Forecasting the form of digitally-enabled Parliament†. 2007. Hansard Society Report. (Hansard Society, London). Koelher, Robert. 2009. Democracy’s Paradox, 18 June. [Accessed 12 December 2012] Kupchan, Charles A. â€Å"The Democratic Malaise: Globalization and the Threat to the West†. Foreign Affairs; Jan/Feb2012, Vol. 91 Issue 1, pp. 62-67. Mahrer, H. and Krimmer, R. Towards the enhancement of e-democracy: identifying the notion of the middleman paradox'. 2005. Information Systems Journal 15 (1): 27–42. OECD. â€Å"Promise and Problems of E-Democracy: Challenges of Online Citizen Engagement†. OECD Publishing. (2003). Postman, N. â€Å"Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show†, Business, Penguin, New York, (1986). Wandhà ¶fer, Timo, Steve Taylor, Harith Alani, Somya Joshi, Sergej Sizov, Paul Walland, Mark Thamm, Arnim Bleier and Peter Mutschke. Engaging Politicians with Citizens on Social Networking Sites: The WeGov Toolbox. 2012. IJEGR 8.3: 22-32. For more resources checkout our home page WritePass
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Life cycle of information technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Life cycle of information technology - Essay Example The second phase is to conduct a system analysis to identify the source of the problem and find mechanisms of fixing it. Consequently, in a photography printing store; it is fundamental to disintegrate the store into parts to define the exact problem. Thereafter, a system design is implemented to outline the operations and functions of the store using process diagrams and other forms of documentations (Kelkar, 2011). Third, comprehending the environments under which the employees work is vital because it establishes certain critical purposes. It is because it sets a platform for planning, operation and provisioning to achieve user acceptance during testing. Fourth phase of the life cycle encompasses testing of the computerized time entry system for any defects to ascertain the stability of the whole system. However, the second last phase of training and transition is essential to help staff at the photography printing store learn how to use the new system. Finally, it can operate thr ough a few enhancements and changes during
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Language Acquisition and Various Influences on Student Learning Essay
Language Acquisition and Various Influences on Student Learning - Essay Example This essay declares that children invent the learning rules through making initial mistakes and correcting themselves as they develop. Various aspects of language acquisition have been identified by theorists that make it a biologically controlled process. Two of these aspects are significant for language educators in creating an environment that promotes learning among students. Firstly, it has to be stressed that language acquisition is innate and it is not generated by external events. However, its development requires a rich environment that exposes the learner more to the language. Secondly, it is also noted that direct teaching and intensive practice do not have significant positive effects on the language acquisition process. These aspects imply that a proper language acquisition will then be enhanced through creation of some classroom environment that favors interaction between the students themselves. This paper discusses that developing such a climate will involve examination different factors affecting learning and their mutual relations. The influence of social and emotional factors on the learning process can no longer be ignored. Such negligence results in the development of some instructional gap and the students attempt to fill this gap in their devised mechanisms that do not support the learning process. Some degree of mutual relationship occurs among intellectual, social, and emotional processes as they affect the learning process. ... The learning process occurs in some social context that is dynamic in nature so that an individual with complex cognition will be able to learn and adapt to the changing needs of the social contexts of learning as opposed to the less complex individuals (Love & Love, 1996). Aspects of the social setup such as the culture of a community may affect a student’s beliefs, attitudes, or motivations towards the learning process. These are detrimental to the learning process if carried into the classroom environment. On the other hand, the individuals with complex cognition have better skills of understanding the perspectives of other people. This implies that good cognition can help students adapt to new social settings, which is essential for learning. The relationship between cognition and the social process is also evident in classroom discussions. A good proportion of learning in students occurs in the classroom discussions, where students share their experiences that they feel t he other individuals need to learn. Through the discussions, a student is able to learn more of the concept or determine if it is well understood Emotions also have effects on the learning and development processes in students since the feeling states, and thinking states cannot be separated easily (Love & Love, 1996). The emotional and rational minds of an individual often act in a balanced manner to guide the individual through life decisions. While emotions will strive to inform and guide the rational operations, rational mind will try to refine the input from emotional mind before initiating an operation (Love & Love, 1996). Negative emotions such as depression, when carried into the classroom, will suppress the learning process. The students will not be able to
Thursday, January 30, 2020
A Review of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Essay Example for Free
A Review of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Essay In all honesty, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge was a bit confusing to read. It was not only confusing, but the ending was a surprise to the reader. In the story, we got to see many different aspects of the life of Peyton Farquhar. This story shows the difference that times were back then compared to now. In today’s would, a man would not be hung, let alone executed for tampering with a bridge. I also liked the part in the story of the betrayal of the soldier that appeared to be in the confederate army. This showed that Farquhar was gullible and would do anything to get involved in the army, since he was not able to fight in it. At the end of the story, I was very surprised in finding out that Farquhar was really dead and his escape was just a figment of his imagination. The escape that he had watched in his mind showed how eager Farquhar was to get back to his home and his family. I enjoyed the narrative style the story was written/told in. I thought that since the story was split into three different sections, it was easier to read, and all around understand. The narrator made the beginning of the story suspenseful because the reader wants to know why Farquhar was going to be executed. This technique wants us to keep reading on to find out the terrible thing that Farquhar did. In the middle of the story, we learn the reason he was to be executed was because he tampered with the confederate bridge, thinking it was going to help them. The narrator did a good job of explaining what Farquhar was like and gave the readers a good mental picture of the situation he was in on the bridge. There are several possible themes that could go along with this story. The specific theme that I would choose for this story would be the difference between reality and fantasy. The difference between reality and fantasy go hand-in-hand throughout this story. It is not until the end of the story that we see the difference of them in Farquhar’s life. When Farquhar describes his escape, we believe that this is really happening. Farquhar describes his escape in a lot of detail and talks about his desire to be back with his family and back at home. The difference between reality and fantasy also is seen with the soldier that pretends to be a Confederate. Farquhar believes that the soldier is a Confederate, therefore plans the hurting of the bridge. This ends up being the illusion that leads him to his execution. This illusion of the soldier caused Farquhar to damage the bridge was the reason of his demise. This story did a great job of making you ask yourself, â€Å"what just happened†after reading the last few sentences. The narrators’ creation of Farquhar’s escape confused the reader, yet made it more interesting in the greater scheme of the story.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Stevenson and Conrad: The Duality of Human Nature Essay -- Victorian A
The Victorian Age marked a period of immense transition in many aspects of human life. In 1859 Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species, a work that opposed the traditional way of perceiving religion. Candyce Klin author of â€Å"Darwinism as A Cultural Issue†, states that The Origin of Species proposed the theory that all living creatures had to compete within their own preconditions in order to survive. This may be why the controversial issue of the duality of human nature has been found at the heart of many Victorian works. The theme of the duality of man can be found in the works of two famous English authors, Robert Louis Stevenson and Joseph Conrad. Stevenson and Conrad both incorporate the theme of the duality of human nature within their own novellas. Stevenson employs this theme throughout his novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and similarly Conrad employs this theme throughout his novella Heart of Darkness. In both novellas the theme is found i n the literary devices of symbolism and personification. Although both works embody the theme of the duality of human nature, each author takes their own individual approach in utilizing literary techniques to help preserve this crucial theme. Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh on November 13, 1850. From a young age Stevenson was fascinated with the darker side of human nature, reflecting his abiding interest in the concept of a double life (The Norton Anthology of English Literature 1643). Stevenson composed The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in 1855, publishing it the follow year in 1856. Upon publication The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde expeditiously became a best seller in both Britain and America (The Norton Anthology of English... ...ample of symbolism is ivory. In Heart of Darkness ivory symbolizes greed and the calamitous nature of man, or the evil side. All throughout the novella the agents and mangers of the Company are consumed by obtaining ivory, so much so that they abandon all their moral principles, instead apply any method necessary to acquire heaping shipments of ivory. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. "Heart of Darkness." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. By Stephen Greenblatt and M. H. Abrams. 8th ed. Vol. 2. New York: W.W. Norton, 2006. 1891 1947. Print. Klin, Candyce. â€Å"Darwinism as A Cultural Issue†Cedar Crest College, 2 June 2001. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. Stevenson, Robert L. "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. By Stephen Greenblatt and M. H. Abrams. 8th ed. Vol. 2. New York: W.W. Norton, 2006. 1643-1685. Print.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Task C- Career Pathway Essay
Complete level 2 certificate children and young people’s workforce To complete the level 2 certificate I need to take a maths, English and ICT test. I also need to be working in an appropriate environment. To help me achieve this qualification I will need the support of my tutor. I can also utilise my work colleagues particularly those who are more experienced and qualified. I can use the internet for researching and also textbooks e.g. Heinemann level 2 certificate children and young people’s workforce book. I will also have to gain a first aid certificate to complete this qualification. Complete level 3 certificate children and young people’s workforce To complete my level 3 certificate I will have had to pass the level 2 qualification. To complete this I will need to use the internet and books for my research. I will again have the support of a tutor to guide me through and would be able to ask work colleagues for help. This may then provide me the opportunity for a promotion at work because as a level 3 I could be a room leader. Foundation degree in early years To be able to study for a foundation degree in early years with The Open University you need to work in a registered early years setting and you must be over the age of 18. You need the agreement and support of your employer before registering. You must also be able to work with groups of 3 or more children on a regular basis. This degree helps build knowledge on children’s development and learning. It also teaches practical skills like planning, assessment and teamwork. To complete this degree I would use the internet for research. I could also use books e.g. Early Years levels 4 & 5 and the foundation degree by Francisca Veale. Progress to a management position in a business To progress to a management position I would need my level 2 and 3 certificates in children and young people’s workforce. It would also be beneficial to have a foundation degree in early years to show that I have a good understanding and knowledge of the early years. I would also need experience in a workplace and to show good teamwork and communication skills.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Washington Irving and Romanticism Essays - 1611 Words
The short stories of Washington Irving are examples of the literary movement of Romanticism and its characteristics which are evidenced in this author’s works. These characteristics are sometimes found in abundant quantities or limited amounts in each of his short stories. However, no matter what short story Washington Irving wrote, the Age of Romanticism and its defining characteristics are found in each of his selections. So, too, do each of the author’s short stories present a unique study about the author’s intentions for creating his work. In Washington Irving’s selection â€Å"The Three Kings of Bermuda†, the author portrays tone in a way that he changes it often throughout his writing to help the reader understand the emotion and†¦show more content†¦Romanticism as a conviction that intuition, imagination, and emotion are inferior to reason is often thought as the best known characteristic. It was used to show the human abilities and the source for the subjects. This helps us to understand the world around us and also how we take part in it. Emotions were thought to be one of the main factors in place of logic and reason. People looked to making music often to express feelings that were being felt. Washington’s tone helps to convey the emotion in this story. Washington changes the tone throughout the story to help the reader better understand the emotion of this short story. â€Å"He is a true enchanter,†Irving states, â€Å"whose spell operates not only upon the sense, but upon the imagination and the heart.†When they are stranded he uses tone showing that they were happy and felt a sort of power that they were the kings of this island. Then he changes it to anger and a fight for the ambergris when they discovered it. When the ambergris is taken away from them by the new landowners, he shows the emotion of disappointment. The quote, â€Å"All kingdoms, however, are doomed to revolution, conclusion, or decay; and so it fared with the empire of the three kings of Bermuda.†is a powerful quote showing the emotion in Irving’s tone. Romanticism as a conviction that poetry is superior to science is a common characteristic because of the growing popularity of poetry at the time. Many times the meaningShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Rip Van Winkle And Young Goodman Brown 1197 Words  | 5 Pages In Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the wilderness is used as a place for the main characters of both stories to have profound supernatural, spiritual experiences. Washington Irving uses the wilderness and nature to add a great sense of romanticism to his writing by creating a peaceful, mystical world. 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Ichabod comes to Sleepy Hollow, New York, from his home state of Connecticut, to be the schoolmaster of the village. The town of Sleepy Hollow and its inhabitants areRead More Folk Tale Characteristics in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow Essays1328 Words  | 6 Pageshis story, Washington Irving uses many stylistic ideas to create a fantastically detailed and descriptive romantic folk tale. Irving begins The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with a vivid description of the setting of his story. Beginning with the Dutch history of the area, he goes on to describe the town as one of the quietest places in the whole world, with a tranquil brook running through it and the sweet sounds of chirping birds all around (1). Irving delves into theRead More romanticism Essay640 Words  | 3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ROMANTICISM nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As a result of the American revolution the literature during the ninghteen century changed to fiction. The Romanticism was a period in which authors left classicism, age of reason, in the old world and started to offered imagination, emotions and a new literature that toward nature, humanity and society to espouse freedom and individualism. The main characteristics or Romanticism movements are: an emphasis on imagination asRead MoreDevelopment Of Narrative, By Nathaniel Hawthorne, And Edgar Allen Poe1302 Words  | 6 Pagesdedicated, intentional genre until the early 1800s, when authors such as Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allen Poe began to attract readers with them. These authors were from the Romanticism period. Three characteristics of Romanticism are having a profound love of nature, passionate nationalism, and a fascination with the supernatural. Stories by these authors share dark times and mysterious events. Irving uses the pseudonym to create a persona in the name of fiction. This risingRead MoreThe Fall Of The House Of Usher, And The Devil And Tom Walker1027 Words  | 5 Pagesthe nineteenth century, growing industrialization led people to impersonal, greedy, and selfish lives. As a reaction against this situation, romanticism emerged; this artistic movement offered people the place away from the corrupted society. During this era, people favored untamed nature instead of unscrupulous society. Upon a people’s encounter with Romanticism, they enjoyed an enthusiastic burst of feelings. This era is characterized by not only an outpouring of emotions but also themes of imagination
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