Saturday, December 28, 2019
The 2012 Global Financial Crisis - 2365 Words
Introduction The 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was the worst crisis in history, and has wide range and deep effects on the world financial system and relations (Peihani 2012). The vulnerability of the world financial system was exposed from the 2008 GFC (Mohamed 2011). Hence, countries are trying to find a solution for the heavily market-relied global financial system, and protectionism has drawn the attention from a great portion of countries and researchers (Viju and Kerr 2011). Mohanmed (2011) defines protectionism as to support domestic production development, and protect it from global competitions, normally through the methods of Quota and Tariff. This paper is going to expand the findings of my previous briefing paper about the†¦show more content†¦The Congress started to increase the rate of tariff ever since, and reached its peak in 1828 of the rate of nearly 49%. Moreover, after experiencing few ups and downs from 1832 to 1842, the Congress started to decrease the rate of tariff from 1846 to 1857, to the average rate of 20%. The raise of tariff was mean to protect the local production of goods manufactured from wool, iron, hemp, lead, and glass; however, the tariff didn’t achieve its goal of promote domestic infant industries (Bruce 1998). Although the tariffs haven’t treated the American well, however the Republicans was insists on embrace protectionism. Moreover, America citizens were also opposed free trade due to the fact that protectionism could restrict imports and lower the unemployment rate (Bruce 2011). Benjamin Harrison defeated Grover Cleveland in the election of 1888, and passed the McKinley tariff in 1890 (Bruce 1998). The protectionists were arguing that not only infant industries need protections, but also mature industries. Furthermore, due to the fact that tariff was the principal source of revenue for the federal government (Bruce 1998), the Congress often avoid to use tariff for protectionist purpose, which might reduce the number of import and less the revenues (Bruce 2011). The situation has turned around since President William Howard created federal income tax (Bruce 1998), and it has soon replaced the tariff to became the principle revenue of U.S.Show MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Global Fina ncial Crisis1122 Words  | 5 Pagesreceivables and other financial assets are pooled together, with their cash flows or economic values redirected support payments on related securities.†â€Å"Securitization first emerged in the 1970s with the sale of securities backed by residential mortIn the 21st century, economic problems have incurred an increasing number of people s attention as the economic develop rapidly, and these problems are usually caused by human themselves. 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