Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Treating Psychological Trauma and PTSD †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Treating Psychological Trauma and PTSD. Answer: Introduction: The research background focuses on the development of strong emotional responses of people which have resulted from the exhibition of Syonan gallery: War and its legacies at the Former Ford factory. The responses and opinions regarding the events of the exhibition have been provided through social media, which has created a stir among people, some of whom have provided positive responses while the others have stated it as an exhibition that has brought negative impact on people (Bonanno Mancini, 2012). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the disorders or lack of abilities in individuals that are caused due to the outbreak of World War 2 and its negative impact created in Singapore. The aim of the research is to identify the impact created by Syonan Gallery on the visitors who have been suffering from PTSD (Chatard et al., 2012). To identify the impact of Syonan gallery on the visitors suffering from PTSD To evaluate the approaches considered for determining the positivity and negativity of the Exhibition at Former Ford Factory To assess how war exhibits can promote healing and closure of bad emotions among individuals To recommend necessary measures for preventing distressing behaviours among individuals suffering from PTSD The present research includes an introductory chapter at first that includes the background of research and aim to present how the Syonan Gallery can impact on the visitors suffering from PTSD both positively and negatively (Kearney et al., 2012). Literature review and Hypothesis development The outbreak of World War 2 resulted in the fall of Singapore 75 years back. After all these years, there were many people found suffering from the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. The current exhibition that was held in Singapore created a stir among individuals because the several exhibits and events that were held to honour the individuals who battled for Singapore followed by the Japanese occupation (Lanius et al., 2012). Though this was done deliberately to pay tribute to the individuals, still it created few controversies as well. One of the exhibitions named Syonan Gallery: War and its legacies that were held at the Former Ford Factory created some strong emotional responses from the people both positively as well as negatively. A lot of views and opinions were circulated through the social networks, and because of that, some people believed that the exhibition created distress among visitors who had PTSD and made them remember the events, thereby creating a negative mindset among them (Lyons, Zink Koenen, 2012). The other people believed that the exhibition and various conversations that were managed during the war exhibits could promote healing and even led to the closure of negative emotions and behaviours among them. This might further result in recovering them from the disorder of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and furthermore allow them to forget those war events and make them lead a better and healthy life in the future (O'Neill, 2014). The conversations happened on the social networks after the Syonan Gallery exhibition can not only create long lasting effects on people suffering from PTSD but can also result in affecting the brain functioning of people who do not suffer from PTSD. PTSD can be experienced as a set of non-specific, confusing and distressing symptoms that can result in brain injury at later stages and even deteriorate the proper functioning of the brain of individuals who have been suffering from PTSD. Though the exhibition was held to pay respect and honour the bravery and contribution of the war fighters, still this created a lot of controversies among people as various conversations were made through the social media (Reuven, Liberman Dar, 2014). The general public started sharing their views and opinions regarding the exhibition, and those were both positive and negative responses. It is true that the war exhibits can make the individuals suffering from PTSD remember all those events and suffer from mental issues while the others believed that the war exhibits could make them forget the bad incidents experienced by them during the war. This would allow them to gain a positive mindset as the war exhibits and museums have been managed for paying respect and remember their bravery and contribution to the country during the World War 2 (Wilson, Friedman Lindy, 2012). Hypothesis development H0: The exhibition of Syonan Gallery cannot create any impact on the visitors suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder H1: It is evident that the Syonan Gallery exhibition can spread positive messages to the war survivors suffering from PTSD and pay them respect, which can further ensure them recovering from stressful conditions. As an independent researcher, I will be able to gain a lot of knowledge and information about how the Syonan Gallery exhibition can create a positive impact on the individuals suffering from PTSD and allow them to recover from their stress and negative emotions through the respect and tribute that will be paid to them. The skills that are obtained will further help in conducting the research efficiently and furthermore create ease and convenience to make a valuable contribution to respective academic fields in an effective manner too (Bonanno Mancini, 2012). On the other hand, research approaches refer to positive, interpretive or critical. The positive approach determines the rules that influence behaviours within the society from the scientific perspective. The interpretive approach showed how individuals could identify the societal aspects and respond to the interpretations. The critical approach deals with social reality influenced by conflicts and is often a major source of complexity. The positive approach has been chosen here because it can help the researcher to interpret the world and respond to the interpretations with ease and effectiveness (Liamputtong, 2013). The positivist approach is effective because it relates to the research about the influence of human behaviour by external force, which is the exhibition here. Research Design The exploratory design of research has helped in observing certain areas and make a detailed exploration of the research materials while the explanatory research design has focused on the cause and effect of the research. The descriptive research design is useful for linking the variables properly and fills the gaps for creating a positive impact of the independent variable, i.e., the Syonan gallery exhibition on the individuals suffering from PTSD, which is the dependent variable here (Bryman Bell, 2015). Thus, the descriptive research design has been selected here as the most appropriate research design. The targeted population includes the respondents who have knowledge of the research topic. The sample is selected from the population because all the individuals are not possible to be taken into consideration during the research conduction. The sample size has been chosen as 50 where 40 are the quantitative samples and the remaining 10 are considered as qualitative samples (Bryman, 2015). The probability sampling technique has developed samples based on the probability of fulfilling the criteria for conducting the research and is useful for gaining a particular sample from a huge population. The non-probability sampling, on the other hand, is more flexible and convenient as the researcher can gain better control over the sampling units. There is no random sampling, rather purposive and convenient sampling techniques are done here (Lanius et al., 2012). The purposive sampling technique is done by allowing the respondents to know about the purpose and scope of research while to gather the qualitative samples; the convenient sampling method is more preferable. The managers of Former Ford Factory are considered as qualitative samples. The convenient sampling method has helped to manage interviews with the managers according to their availability from the busy schedule to provide their responses and opinions regarding the research (Bryman, 2015). Thus, the non-probability sampling technique is considered more effective while conducting the research properly. The sample size has been selected as 50 where 40 are quantitative samples, i.e., the people who have been discussing the exhibition on social media and few of the individuals suffering from PTSD while the remaining 10 are qualitative samples and the responses provided by the managers of the factory have been considered as qualitative data (Fowler Jr, 2013). The collection of data includes both qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data are gathered by conducting interviews with the respondents, i.e., the managers who have managed to held the exhibition for commemorating the individuals who have been part of the World War 2. The quantitative data has been gathered by distributing survey questionnaires to people that contained structured questions related to the research topic. The respondents here are the people who have been involved in conversations related to the Syonan Gallery on social media and even the few of the individuals who have been suffering from PTSD (Chatard et al., 2012). Pilot studies were also managed for gathering the opinions of respondents and furthermore manage field works for effectively collecting data. The tools used for analysing the data and information gathered are SPSS tool, Likert Scale and these tools can represent the data and information in the form of graphs and tables for allowing the researcher to understand those with efficiency. The analysis and interpretation of data have also helped in summarising the results properly and determined the cause and effect relationships among the variables too. The patterns of behaviours and relationships along with psychological behaviours have been obtained for conducting the research efficiently with the analysis and interpretation of data as well (Kearney et al., 2012). The ethics have been maintained by ensuring that no data and information that are gathered are used for commercial purposes. These data and information have been used for academics researches only and has been kept secure as well. None of the respondents has been forced to take part in the research as well (Liamputtong, 2013). Few major limitations faced include language barriers, lack of scopes of selecting a larger size of sample and less time provided. Some additional time would have been effective for conducting the research by exploring the various areas that were not covered earlier. Language barriers might result in making individuals face difficulties while exchanging messages and information during the research (Bryman Bell, 2015). Timeline Main activities/ stages Month February Month March Month April Month May Month June Month July Selection of topic Collecting data from secondary sources Constructing the research layout Literature review Development of research Plan Selection of Appropriate Research Techniques Primary data collection Analysis Interpretation of Data which are collected Conclusion Development of Draft Final Work submission References Bonanno, G. A., Mancini, A. D. (2012). Beyond resilience and PTSD: Mapping the heterogeneity of responses to potential trauma.Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy,4(1), 74. Bryman, A. (2015).Social research methods. Oxford university press. Bryman, A., Bell, E. (2015).Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Chatard, A., Pyszczynski, T., Arndt, J., Selimbegovi?, L., Konan, P. N., Van der Linden, M. (2012). Extent of trauma exposure and PTSD symptom severity as predictors of anxiety-buffer functioning.Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy,4(1), 47. Fowler Jr, F. J. (2013).Survey research methods. Sage publications. Kearney, D. J., McDermott, K., Malte, C., Martinez, M., Simpson, T. L. (2012). Association of participation in a mindfulness program with measures of PTSD, depression and quality of life in a veteran sample.Journal of clinical psychology,68(1), 101-116. Lanius, R. A., Brand, B., Vermetten, E., Frewen, P. A., Spiegel, D. (2012). The dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder: Rationale, clinical and neurobiological evidence, and implications.Depression and anxiety,29(8), 701-708. Liamputtong, P. (2013).Qualitative research methods. Lyons, M. I., Zink, T., Koenen, K. C. (2012). Post-traumatic stress disorder.Principles of Psychiatric Genetics, 134. O'Neill, J. (2014). Syonan Shimbun: Singapore's Wartime Newspaper. Reuven, O., Liberman, N., Dar, R. (2014). The effect of physical cleaning on threatened morality in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder.Clinical Psychological Science,2(2), 224-229. Wilson, J. P., Friedman, M. J., Lindy, J. D. (Eds.). (2012).Treating psychological trauma and PTSD. Guilford Press.
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